Health monitor is an award-winning conceptual product design that has been awarded at IMMIB 2018 professional category.
Health Monitor aims to empower 50+ users by providing them with the opportunity to monitor their own health at the convenience of their home without having the need to visit a clinic.
Monitoring vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature is critical particularly for the elderly who are prone to have chronic diseases. By its digital UI and its wearable health tracker with five different sensors (ECG, PPG, TMP 102 temperature sensor, gyro accelerometer, and non-invasive glucometer biosensor) blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, body temperature, oxygen levels, sleep, and physical activity can be tracked on a daily basis.
Health monitor also synchronizes with the e-pulse system provided by the Turkey Ministry of Health. Considering that the elderly often have difficulty using GUIs due to their low level of technology integration, Health Monitor is designed with a simplistic UI including only basic functions to show vitals.
Product Design for one of our medical product concept.